What is GHost++?
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It's quite simple, GHost (Game-Host), is a bot (written in C++) that will allow users such as you and me to host games on Warcraft III's battle.net/PVPGN servers. Most of you might be thinking why use a bot when you can host normally? Well, besides hosting games, GHost comes with a shit load of functions/commands making it quite unique and much better than normal hosting.
It's like having VCK and a few other tools put together with a database that can host games for you. Hopefully most of you will understand that sentence/comparison :p
GHost++ was originally part of the GHost pwner project by Trevor Hogan I believe, but now Varlock has taken it over. There are many different users who work very hard on the development of GHost++ which makes it much better and user friendlier.
A lot of different projects appeared after GHost++ including GHostOne which is everything GHost++ is + a GUI + more functions, GHost Custom Build which is GHost++ which includes some commands/code which were supplied by different users around the forum and a final project derived from GHost++ is Genie, which is GHost++ just for Mac users.
So, you should have the basic overview of GHost++ now, time to set it up!
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Download GHost++ and prerequisites
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• There are currently 3 ways for you to download the latest versions of GHost++, and I'll be explaining all three of them in the guide.
1. Official zipped file
- The first way is to use the download link, with the zipped folder, provided in the GHost++ Downloads [Read Only] section. Most of you will probably be using this option as it's the, pretty much, easiest way.
- However do note that you will need a program, such as WinRar, to extract the content found in the zipped folder.
Direct link for GHost++ 17.0
2. GHost Bot Installer
- Another, in my opinion quite simple way, to download the latest version of GHost++ is to use the GHost Bot Installer. I'm currently working on it so you have no worries of it being out of date or anything like that.
- You can find a link for the latest versions of the installer here, or it will be provided along the main posts of the official releases of the bot in the GHost++ Downloads [Read Only] section of the forum.
- Just run the installer once downloaded and it should guide you through the installation.
- I do not suggest you use the installer for this guide as it contains the SVN release which is not applicable to this guide yet.
3. SVN Versions
The third and final option to get a copy of the GHost++ bot is to use the SVN from the google.code of the GHost++ project. This is probably the most "complicated" for the beginners so I will not be explaining it here.
- Please do note that the SVN versions are updated more often then the "Official" ones found the Downloads section, meaning that they usually have all the newer functions much sooner than the one you will be using will have.
- As a second note I would like to mention that if you use the installer, you're download the newest SVN version as I will be regularly updating it to that.
Other needed files
• In order to see what the bot is displaying to you, you're going to need to have Microsofts Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Pack (x86) installed onto your computer.
• Even if this is not a file, it is still something you will need to do to your computer. That is to turn on the File Extension Viewing. This is pretty simple so I might aswell guide you through it now.
For Windows
1. Go to the Start Menu
2. Select the Control Panel
3. Select Folder options
4. Go to View and then un-tick 'Hide Extensions for known File Types'
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Setting Up GHost++
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*Note* In the pictures if something is encircled in red it means that it is important, if it is encircled in black it means that it is not so important but should be taken note of.
1. Now that you have your .zip file it's time to extract it to a folder. Just right click on the .zip file and select Extract.
Right click and Extract example.
2. There two ways you can setup your GHost++ Bot. Using the ghost.cfg/default.cfg file or using the ghost dynamic configurator. I will be explaining both in this guide. If you wish to use the ghost.cfg/default.cfg editing way just scroll down a little and if you wish to use the dynamic configuration option scroll down until you see the title saying "using the Dynamic Configurator".
Which one of the two should you pick?
Personally I would suggest that you use the Dynamic Configurator as it's much cleaner but it's all up to you.
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First Option: Editing the ghost.cfg/default.cfg
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2. Basically, once it is extracted a new folder called 'ghost' will appear in the section you have chosen to install it, unless you have changed the name yourself.
You need to locate that folder and open it up. In it you'll find a whole bunch of interesting files, for now all we need to take note of are the ghost.cfg/default.cfg file and later on, the ghost.exe file.
Double-click on the ghost.cfg/default.cfg file and if a window appears which you should use to open it you need to select any text editor.
Please do note that I would suggest you use WordPad over NotePad as NotePad tends to jumble up all of the text that WordPad doesn't.
Opening the ghost.cfg (Newer versions use default.cfg) file
3. Now that you have opened your ghost.cfg/default.cfg file you're probably thinking what the fuck is all of this random shit?
I'll tell you what that random shit is, it's all basically functions which GHost can do, and it's up to you to configure them properly in order for GHost to do what you want in a very fancy way.
Seeing by yourself (Unless you're an idiot) you can probably notice that there are a lot of lines. Of course there are, with a bot like this it's going to have too have a lot of functions but fortunately for you, you won't have to touch over half of them for now.
First things first, you're going to have to switch your ports around if needed. Now by default Warcraft III's port is 6112 correct? Yes, yes it is.
So, if you have any basic knowledge of ports you'd know that two and/or more applications shouldn't have the same port number in order for them to send the information properly, this being the case, GHost++ shouldn't have the same port as Warcraft, or any other application for that matter.
To fix this you're going to have to find the line (Ctrl+F) bot_hostport = 6112 and change it to bot_hostport = 6113, if it's already set to 6113, then leave it as it is.
In order to prevent any further problems you're going to have to change the admingame_port = 6113 toadmingame_port = 6114.
Please note that all of the chosen ports have to be forwarded.
Changing the bot_hostport
Changing the admingame_port
4. There we go! One step closer to configuring your GHost bot. The next thing that you need to do, is configure your battle.net connections and such. This is pretty straight forward and I will only be using pictures to explain this. Please do note that unlike StealthBot, GHost needs to have an already made account.
The first part of the server configuration.
The second, if I may say less important, part of the server configuration.
5. Another, very important thing is to provide GHost++ your Warcraft III files. This isn't too hard, all it needs is that you have Warcraft III installed onto your computer. Just find a few lines and configure them properly. Basically you need to find:
• *bot_war3path = - This line will tell GHost where your Warcraft III installation files are, by default it's set to C:\Program Files\Warcraft III. You can change it to your needing.
• *bot_mappath = - This line will tell GHost where your Warcraft Map files are. If you're Warcraft III path is C:\Program Files\Warcraft III then this path would be C:\Program Files\Warcraft III\Maps\Download
6. Now, there is another thing you need to do, which at the moment isn't very important but sometime in the future it might be. This is setting up a BNLS server for your bot to connect to. All you need to do is change a few lines. Look at the pictures below for an example.
What the lines look by default
A properly configured BNLS Server connection.
Why do I say it's not important now?
It's quite simple, because Warden (Blizzards anti-cheating) system is offline. Once turned online again and if you don't have this section configured properly your bot will keep on disconnecting about every 2 minutes.
7. Oh no! So close, and not really so far away to be honest. Anyways, we've done the main parts now, so it's time to take note of a few other lines which may be of interest to you. Trust me, you will thank me later on. I must also say that it is very important that you read the FAQ and ReadMe to understand everything fully, links can be found below.
Oh, before I forget, as a side note; usually in each line in the ghost.cfg, = 0 means no and = 1 means yes (Unless noted differently). Something you might wanna remember when configuring your bot. Also something that is important and most users get confused about are the # signs. When a line in the ghost.cfg starts with a '#' and then contains text after it, it means that GHost will ignore those lines like they weren't there. If you have any basic programming language it's like the //lines are.
Now, a few lines which you might want to take note of are as followed:
• bot_log = - This is quite important, why? Because it saves everything that happens to your GHost Bot into a text file. When you run into a problem and you need help, most people will ask you for your log. This is when this line comes in. Just create a new .txt file and rename it to GhostLog, meaning that it would be GhostLog.txt (with extension viewing turned on). Once that is done set this line to bot_log = GhostLog
• bot_tft = - This line will tell your bot if it should connect to TFT or to RoC. If set to bot_tft = 1 it will connect to TFT, if set to bot_tft = 0 it will connect to RoC meaning that you will not have to put a TFT CD-Key.
• bot_maxgames = - This will, like explained, be the maximum amount of games that the bot can host at once. The number is up to you.
• bot_commandtrigger = - Make sure that trigger is exactly the same trigger as the bnet_commandtrigger or GHost will not recognize your commands sent to it.
• bot_virtualhostname = - The name of the bot that will be displayed when "talking".
• bot_spoofchecks = - Explained good enough in it's comments.
• bot_requirespoofchecks = Explained good enough in it's comments.
• bot_allowdownloads = - Explained in comment, should be taken note of.
• bot_latency = - The latency to be set in the game automatically, it can always be changed using the !latency command.
• tcp_nodelay = - If you're having a lot, I mean a lot, of lagg this should be set to tcp_nodelay = 1, if not then leave it astcp_nodelay = 0
That should be about it. All you need to do now is Save (Ctrl+S) and close your ghost.cfg file and run ghost.exe and voila!
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Second Option: Using the Dynamic Configurator
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2. Aight, so you have extracted your .zip file by now I'm guessing. Right on. So now go to the folder where you have extracted it, by default the folder is called 'ghost' but you might have changed it during the extraction process. Anyways, if you have no screw-ups and you have found the folder lets keep going. Right now, in the folder there should be a fuck load of stuff aye? We don't really need any of those files for now apart from the ghost dynamic configurator (which you should open now) and ghost.exe.
What your folder should look like and what you need to take note of
3. Now that you've opened the dynamic configurator it's time to configure your bot properly. How the configurator works is that you input everything that you need to (whether it's a tick, a line of text,etc..) and it will automatically add all of this into the ghost.cfg file for you, quite fancy eh? Once you open it, on the first page there will be quite a lot of random jibberish which needs to be configured, and I'll use pictures to explain along side some explanation.
4. First page configuration (The 'Bot' Page)
5. Second page configuration (The 'Battle.net' Page)
6. Well I should move onto the 3rd page but I won't. Why? Because it's only about how you can connect to GHost++ using one set of CD-Keys and using the "Admin Game". You can find more information about the admin game in the ReadMe.txt.
7. The fourth page is about the database of your choice. You can choose between SQLite and MySQL but unless you know what you're doing I'd recommend that you stick with the SQLite database meaning you won't have to edit anything in this page.
Also, if you need a program to open the ghost.dbs file why not try out SQLite Expert Personal 2?
8. And you're done configuring your GHost++ bot! Tick the 'run ghost after closing' box and go to the Cfg Updater page. Once there click the Update! box and locate the ghost.cfg file that you wish too update (It's probably directly in the first window you open once clicking Update!) then click 'Open' and voila! Your settings have been updated, you can now close the configurator and ghost.exe will immediately start running.
If you need any extra settings I suggest you actually look at the last step (Step 9) of the ghost.cfg configuration section of this guide.
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Other helpful links
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A few helpful links.
(Click on images for link)
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Credits n' Such
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- Well, I guess I have written this guide just to update the previous guide made by Instinct and Fallen-God, whom I must thank for the images and most of the info. Seeing that both of those guides were ok but didn't really have enough information in them regarding the configuration file I decided to add more information and a few pictures to make it easier for everyone to follow.
- I would like to thank Varlock for the making of GHost++ and everyone else in the community who have contributed to it and I would like to thank all the users who use GHost++ and support it. Wooho.
- I will try to keep this guide up to date including new pictures and new configuration lines when the newer versions are released.
Anyways, that should be it for now. If you run into any problem feel free to say so in the GHost++ Running Help & Supportsection of the forum. If not, enjoy!
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