Δευτέρα 30 Αυγούστου 2010

[Browser] Grepolis bot

About the bot
This is a freeware bot for the browsergame Grepolis. It helps you build your towns by creating an unlimited building queue. To help you gain more resources it is possible to attack the farmers on your island.
Although I do my best making this bot undetectable there could always be some problems. Use it at your own risk. But there shouldn't be much problems if you don't run it 24/7.

-Unlimited building queue
-Unlimited army queue
-Three modus for attacking farmers
-Support for: nl, fr, gr, de, en, es, it, ro, se, cz, pl, pt, hu, sk and dk servers.
-Automatic reconnect on disconnect.

-.Net Framework

Quick start guide
Exit the Grepolis site if you have it open.
Start the bot. Make sure all files are in the same directory or sub directory as the bot. See picture below.
Click View->Settings to configure your bot.
Click Actions->Login. Wait till the statusbar shows "|| Ready".
Click View->Army. Enter the number of units you want to use in battle.
(Repeat previous step for all your towns).
Click Actions->Start
Click on the "Build" buttons to add a building to the queue.
Go to View->"Army queue" to set the barrack queue and harbour queue.

Description of the GUI

Actions->Login Login to the game server
Actions->Start Start the bot
Actions->Stop Stop the bot
View->Army Set your units you want to use for battle
View->Farmers Set the farmers you want to attack
View->Settings Configure the bot
Help->About General information about the bot
Help->Check for updates Shows latest available version

Prev/Next Switch between towns
Build Add building to queue
Save Save the current queue, army and farmers settings
Load Load the queue, army and farmers information
Clear Clear the queue of your current town
Clear all Clear the queue from all your towns

Note: The first text box under each unit is used for attacks. The second text box is used for support.

Note: Enter the number of units you want to train. The bot will automatic decrease the number if it can build a few units.
Note2: The army queue uses the same timer as the building queue.

Max Use all the units that are currently in your town

Note: Shows current mood/strength of each farmer and shows if you have any units going to that farmer.

Checkboxes Select the checkboxes of the farmers you want to attack

User name Your Grepolis account name
Password Your account's password
Main server The login server
Server The game server you play on. Same as the main server but with a number
Minimize to tray Show the bot in the taskbar when you minimize

Attack farmers Activate the attack modes
Reverse Attack Order This will attack the farmers on the other side of the island first
Auto support Automatic support farmers when there mood/strength is too low
Attack mode Select which attack mode you want to use
Timer attack (Minutes) Select the delay between attacks
Min. mood The minimum amount of mood a farmer should have before you attack it
Min. Strength The minimum amount of strength a farmer should have before you attack it
Min. mood (support) The minimum amount of mood a farmer should have before you support it

Timer build (Minutes) Select the delay between checking the building queue

Debug mode Logs information about the bot in debug.txt
Debug file The file that is used to log debug information
Settings file The file that is used to save/load your settings

Release notes:
Version: 1.9.3 Date: 04-07-2010
-Stop farming when warehouse is full.
-Added tooltips to show building requirements.
-Fixed army queue for Hoplite.

Version: 1.9.2 Date: 02-07-2010
-Added support for special units when attacking.
-Added current god for each town.
-Fixed issue with counting units when you had support in your town.

Version: 1.9.1 Date: 27-06-2010
-Fixed bug in http handler.
-Fixed bug with farmers attack status.

Version: 1.9.0 Date: 26-06-2010
-Added queue for land and navy units.

Click spoiler for older release notes


Latest available source code:
Version: 1.9.3

Downloads since v1.0:


Attached Files
File Type: zipGrepolisBot_v1.8.9.zip (371.1 KB, 421 views)
File Type: zipGrepolisBot_v1.8.12.zip (416.6 KB, 99 views)
File Type: zipGrepolisBot_v1.9.1.zip (423.9 KB, 226 views)
File Type: zipGrepolisBot_v1.9.2.zip (451.6 KB, 147 views)
File Type: zipGrepolisBot_v1.9.3.zip (484.1 KB, 969 views)

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